"I just don't feel like myself anymore"

"I hardly ever do anything for myself, & when I do, I have all the mom guilt"

"I love my career, but feel guilty about not being home more"

"I feel completely disconnected from my partner"

"No one told me motherhood would be so lonely"

Any (or all) of this sound familiar? It's alright mama, we've all been there. But I can help you not to live there anymore. Your life does not have to be a wash-rinse-repeat cycle of to dos, stress, and being a mom taxi.

Join me April 17-21 on FB, where I'll be running a private group for moms.

It doesn't matter what your struggle is, in 5 days:

  • You will be less stressed
  • You will have tools to make lasting change in your life
  • You will know how to carve out time for yourself
  • You will have connections with other moms who share your experience

And it's 100% free of charge

If you want to change your life, this is the first step...

I'm ready

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